Opera Medica et Physiologica

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Full-length research paper
Printed December 02, 2024;
Published ahead of print December 01, 2024; Printed December 02, 2024; OM&P 2024 Volume 11 Issue 4, pages 166-198; doi:10.24412/2500-2295-2024-4-166-198
Abstract Full Text

The most complications of diabetes mellitus are associated with endothelial dysfunction, the nature of which is not fully understood. Oscillations of calcium (Ca2+) and nitric oxide (NO) concentrations may play a role in regulating endothelial functioning under normal and pathological conditions. We suHGested that changes of Ca2+ and NO oscillations characteristics in endothelial cells may play a role in the pathogenesis of diabetes mellitus complications. To test this hypothesis, we assessed the dependence on the glucose concentration (normo- and hyperglycemia) of the amplitude-frequency characteristics of Ca2+ and NO oscillations in endothelial cells from mouse skin microvessels at rest and during functional tests (heating), the effect of the vasodilator acetylcholine (ACh), insulin, as well as when blocking NOS and PI3K. Hyperglycemia changes the amplitude-frequency characteristics of Ca2+ and NO oscillations in endotheliocytes and the proportion of cells with oscillations. In addition, hyperglycemia changes the characteristics of Ca2+ and NO oscillations in endothelial cells in presence of ACh, L-NNA, wortmannin and insulin at rest (37 °C) and heating to 40 °C. It indicates the participation of TRPV-, NOS-, ACh- and PI3K-associated signaling pathways in the regulation of Ca2+ and NO oscillations in endoteliocytes in health and disease.

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Full-length research paper
Printed December 02, 2024;
Published ahead of print December 01, 2024; Printed December 02, 2024; OM&P 2024 Volume 11 Issue 4, pages 149-165; doi:10.24412/2500-2295-2024-4-149-165
Abstract Full Text

Despite the large volume of empirical data on the effects of magnetic fields on living organisms, there are almost no studies showing the possibility of the existence of magnetic effects in processes outside the cell or in vitro. The protein folding process in a cell can be sensitive to magnetic fields. We the first time experimentally demonstrated the possibility of biochemical effects of extremely low frequency magnetic fields and hypomagnetic fields on chemical renaturation using hen egg-white lysozyme as an example. The degree of lysozyme renaturation was estimated at different magnetic conditions by fluorescence intensity and enzymatic activity. The extremely low frequency magnetic field (50 Hz, 40 μT) accelerates the renaturation compared to the control and a hypomagnetic field (less than 40 nT). The effects of hypomagnetic and extremely low frequency magnetic field on the protein fluorescence spectrum were opposite. It confirms the participation of the recently described level mixing mechanism in the implementation of magnetobiological effects. The magnetic nanoparticles abolished the effects of extremely low frequency magnetic and hypomagnetic fields fluorescence and activity of lysozyme, which indicates their ability to modulate magnetobiological effects. The results obtained expand fundamental ideas about the mechanisms of action of magnetic fields on isolated protein molecules and can be useful in the practice of using magnetic nanoparticles in biomedicine.

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Full-length research paper
Printed December 02, 2024;
Published ahead of print December 01, 2024; Printed December 02, 2024; OM&P 2024 Volume 11 Issue 4, pages 138-148; doi:10.24412/2500-2295-2024-4-138-148
Abstract Full Text

Infertility is a major public health problem worldwide and its prevalence is as high as 17, 5% depending on the population studied The research is aimed to study the possibility of using miR-20a, miR-135a, miR-34b, miR-449v, miR-449c as markers of male infertility and to evaluate the dependence of the effectiveness of ART programs on the level of expression of exosomal microRNAs. The experimental group included patients entering the program of ART (assisted reproductive technologies) with the diagnosis of idiopathic male infertility (n = 30), the control group included couples with female infertility of tubal origin (n = 19). The isolation of exosomal microRNA from ejaculate was performed using the exoRNeasy Midi regent kit. The miRCURY LNA miRNA SYBR® Green PCR System was used to evaluate the expression of the following exosomal microRNAs: miR-20a, miR-135a, miR-34b, miR-449c, miR-449c and control miR-16. The expression of exosomal miR-449c and miR-135a was significantly different in the experimental group (p = 0.03 and p = 0.04, respectively). There was also a tendency to decrease the expression for such microRNAs as: miR-20a, miR-34b and miR-449c. Moreover, the expression level of miR-34b, miR-449c, and miR-449c and miR-135a has a direct correlation with the effectiveness of ART programs (p < 0.05 for miR-135a). The strength of correlation relationship of the above relationships using Cheddock scale was moderate. MicroRNA molecules selected for the study not only demonstrated their potential ability to be used as a diagnostic marker of male infertility, but also showed the ability to reflect the efficiency of fertilization and embryo formation processes.

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Full-length research paper
Printed December 02, 2024;
Published ahead of print December 01, 2024; Printed December 02, 2024; OM&P 2024 Volume 11 Issue 4, pages 130-137; doi:10.24412/2500-2295-2024-4-130-137
Abstract Full Text

This study examined female rats' physiological and histological responses to cadmium chloride and lead acetate. Histological lung tissue examinations included oxidative stress and antioxidant status. Six female rat groups were studied. A group that served as a control was provided with water that had been distilled. The dosage of cadmium chloride that was administered to the second group was 5 mg/kg, whereas the dosage that was administered to the third group was 10 mg/kg. The fourth group received a dosage of lead acetate that was 50 mg/kg, whereas the fifth group received 100 mg/kg. All of the standard concentrations of lead acetate and cadmium chloride were administered to the sixth group in accordance with their protocol. Following thirty days of treatment of cadmium chloride and lead acetate to rats, the levels of oxidative indicators like MDA and 8-OHDG showed a substantial increase (P < 0.05). On the other hand, the levels of antioxidants like GSH, SOD, and CAT showed a significant drop (P ≤ 0.05 following the administration of these substances. Histological research has shown that exposure to cadmium chloride and lead acetate is associated with an increased risk of blood clots in the lungs as well as a thickening of the pulmonary alveolar wall. This is in comparison to a control group. These results demonstrate that cadmium chloride and lead acetate treatment adversely affected lung tissue's physiological and histological properties. The researchers discovered that the detrimental effect was more pronounced when the two drugs were administered concurrently to rats.

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Full-length research paper
Printed December 02, 2024;
Published ahead of print December 01, 2024; Printed December 02, 2024; OM&P 2024 Volume 11 Issue 4, pages 122-129 ; doi:10.24412/2500-2295-2024-4-122-129
Abstract Full Text

The present study was carried out to evaluate different estrus synchronization protocols in mice and follow up the proportion of delivery and gender of litters. Five protocols were tested with total number of 48 adult females that divided equally into six groups including control. Total number of 24 adult males were divided equally and introduced for mating for four days. Hormonal synchronization including intraperitoneal administration of single or double dose of 0.5 µg Cloprostenol (Prostaglandin F(PGF)) and 3 µg of Progesterone (P4), with or without 5 IU of equine Chorionic Gonadotropin (eCG) in five protocols. Results showed that estrus and mating rate increase significantly after administration of PGF (P<0.05). However, low delivery rate was evident in all groups. There were no differences in the average number and the proportion of gender of litters within groups. In conclusion, synchronization of estrus in mice was not fully achieved using the current protocols. However, administration of prostaglandin increases mating rate, but the pregnancy success might fundamentally depend on other factors such as managemental.

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Full-length research paper
Printed December 02, 2024;
Published ahead of print December 01, 2024; Printed December 02, 2024; OM&P 2024 Volume 11 Issue 4, pages 111-121; doi:10.24412/2500-2295-2024-4-111-121
Abstract Full Text

This study aimed to evaluate the efficacy of High-Frequency Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS) in combination with Complex Decongestive Physical Therapy (CDPT) on lower limb lymphedema. Every participant provided informed consent for the randomized controlled trial. The trial was conducted at Ahmed Maher Teaching Hospital and High-Top Clinic in Egypt. 60 patients with secondary lower limb lymphedema, ages 35 to 65, were involved in the trial and were split into two groups at random. Group A received CDPT and High-Frequency TENS, while Group B received CDPT only. Both interventions were administered thrice weekly for eight weeks. A non-flexible tape was used to assess the limb girth as the major result; the Lymphedema Quality of Life Questionnaire (LYMQOL) was used as a secondary outcome. ANOVA tests were used in the statistical analysis to compare the pre and post-treatment outcomes within and across groups. The findings revealed that both groups had significantly lower limb girth and improved LYMQOL scores, with Group A showing more improvements than Group B (p < 0.05). The results indicate that for patients with lower limb lymphedema, the combination of High-Frequency TENS and CDPT is superior to CDPT alone in terms of limb girth reduction and improved quality of life. This combination of therapies may be a useful strategy for treating lymphedema and enhancing patient outcomes.

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Invited review
Printed December 02, 2024;
Published ahead of print December 01, 2024; Printed December 02, 2024; OM&P 2024 Volume 11 Issue 4, pages 104-110; doi:10.24412/2500-2295-2024-4-104-110
Abstract Full Text

Cognitive impairments are among the most common types of neurological disorders that require the creation of reliable diagnostic and correction tools. Along with the development of effective drugs, in recent years a line of research has been actively developing, in which various methods of non-invasive brain stimulation with feedback from the current physiological parameters of a person, and primarily from the rhythmic components of the electroencephalogram (EEG), are successfully used to diagnose and correct cognitive impairments. The purpose of the presented work is to analyze recent publications, consider the achievements of this line of research and highlight the most promising directions for its further development. Studies using transcranial magnetic and electrical stimulation, as well as sensory types of stimulation - acoustic, photic and audiovisual stimulations, in which non-invasive stimulation is carried out on the basis of feedback signals from the patient's own bioelectrical processes, are considered. The advantages of EEG-guided light-music stimulation, developed by the authors for the correction of various cognitive disorders, are demonstrated.

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Full-length research paper
Printed December 02, 2024;
Published ahead of print December 01, 2024; Printed December 02, 2024; OM&P 2024 Volume 11 Issue 4, pages 93-103; doi:10.24412/2500-2295-2024-4-93-103
Abstract Full Text

Asthma is a common chronic multifactorial respiratory disease. Genes involved in the metabolism of drugs used for asthma management play an important role in asthma development. The aim of the study was to analyze the methylation of the promoter regions of AOC1, GLCCI1 and ARG2 genes involved in the metabolism of drugs used for asthma treatment in asthma patients and controls from the Republic of Bashkortostan. DNA was extracted from peripheral blood samples of 157 asthma patients and 155 control subjects. Methylation-Sensitive High Resolution Melting analysis and sequencing of bisulfite-treated genomic DNA were applied to estimate the degree of methylation. Analysis of the methylation status of promoter region of the AOC1 gene revealed a higher frequency of full methylation (100%) of the studied region in patients with severe and moderate asthma than in controls (38.61%; p=0.002; OR=2.58; 95%CI 1.4-4.75). A significantly higher level of promoter methylation of the GLCCI1 gene was found in patients with severe and moderate asthma compared to control group (p=0.01; OR=3.1; 95%CI 1.22-7.88). A low level of promoter methylation of the ARG2 gene was determined in both analyzed groups of patients and controls. The results of MS-HRM analysis were confirmed by bisulfite sequencing of analyzed samples. Thus, this study revealed differences in the level of methylation of promoter regions of AOC1 and GLCCI1 genes between samples of asthma patients and controls. The results of the study expand general understanding of the possible contribution of DNA methylation to asthma development.

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Full-length research paper
Printed December 02, 2024;
Published ahead of print December 01, 2024; Printed December 02, 2024; OM&P 2024 Volume 11 Issue 4, pages 80-92; doi:10.24412/2500-2295-2024-4-80-92
Abstract Full Text

Previous studies have demonstrated that administration of clobetasol at a concentration of 0.25 mg/kg stimulates the synthesis of neurotrophic growth factors, likely triggering the phosphatidylinositol-3-kinase (PI3K) and mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) signaling pathways, resulting in increased levels of structural and axonal proteins necessary for the functional recovery of damaged somatic nerves. However, it has been shown that using higher concentrations of the drug (0.5 and 1.0 mg/kg) leads to a reduction in both structural and axonal proteins in both segments of the nerve conduit and exerts an inhibitory effect on the expression of neurotrophic factors responsible for cytoskeletal remodeling and axonal growth regulation.

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Full-length research paper
Printed December 02, 2024;
Published ahead of print December 01, 2024; Printed December 02, 2024; OM&P 2024 Volume 11 Issue 4, pages 71-79; doi:10.24412/2500-2295-2024-4-71-79
Abstract Full Text

The liver is a vital organ involved in a wide range of processes such as detoxification, protein synthesis, metabolism, and hormone production. Liver diseases, both inherited and viral hepatitis, liver cancer and fatty degeneration are among the leading causes of death in the world. Recent advances in 3D cell culture technology include the use of pluripotent stem cells and adult stem cells that are cultured in vitro to form self-organizing systems. Organoids are self-organizing multicellular structures that reproduce the structure and function of organs and can be used to model the development, maintenance and repair of organs ex vivo. That is why the search for new methods for the formation of hepatic organoids seen as an urgent task. For the fabrication of 3D organoids we isolated hepatic duct cells from rat liver. The obtained cellular structures were analyzed using atomic force microscopy to estimate their mechanical properties and demonstrated increasing of Young Modulus in comparison with normal liver sections. Morphometric evaluation showed that extracellular matrix fibers occupy up to 60% of the organoid, while cell agglomerations up to 40% of it. We observed the spontaneously formed fibrotic liver tissue-like constructs within 21 days. So, obtained hepatic organoids characterized by a tissue-like structure with a predominance of extracellular matrix fibers in its composition similar to liver tissue affected by fibrosis. 

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